The “Narcotics Anonymous Basic Text” is our primary recovery publication. The first section offers ten chapters on recovery fundamentals, including essays on the 12 steps and 12 traditions of NA. The second half of the Basic Text is entitled, Our Members Share, and contains personal stories from recovering addicts.
“It Works: How & Why” is a companion piece to the Basic Text, offering in-depth essays on the 12 steps and 12 Traditions. Each chapter contains the collective experience of members, as well as a section called Applying Spiritual Principles, designed to de-mystify the basic principles of life in recovery.
NA Membership Survey* contains the results of a biennial survey of approximately 12,000 NA members.
For Those in Treatment* offers some suggestions and a basic plan of action to help recovering addicts in the transition from treatment, to continuing recovery in Narcotics Anonymous.
By Young Addicts, For Young Addicts* was developed by young members of Narcotics Anonymous to illustrate the fact that young addicts around the world, speaking many different languages, are getting and staying clean in NA.
In Times of Illness* was recently revised to reflect members’ experiences with challenges such as mental health issues, chronic illness and pain, and supporting members with illnesses. It includes section summaries in the table of contents.